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Peanuts Crop Evolution Report – Dec 2018


Peanuts Crop Evolution Report – Dec 2018

Peanut Plantings in Argentina


As of December 3rd, peanut plantings of Crop 2018/2019 in Argentina are reportedly finished.
Heavy rainfall experienced in recent weeks in most peanut areas have allowed farmers to finish plantings within the optimal window, which runs from October 20th to November 25th.
The only exception occurred in the Northern area, which suffered a slight delay due to the lack of optimal climatic conditions (insufficient rainfall). However, conditions improved in this area too, so plantings could also be completed.
The emergence of peanut plants in those areas that have been planted early is good. The objective of 10 plants per linear meter was met, despite previous concerns about the quality of the seed. Heavy rains helped to improve soil moisture levels and were followed by high temperatures. Therefore, a suitable environment for the plants to bloom was created.

In short, we finished the first stage of the peanut cycle in accordance with our expectations. The growth stage is the next step in the chain and requires good weather conditions, especially during the first 3 months of 2019. This is the time in which yields are outlined, so crop expectations begin to take shape. After some difficult years in a row, the entire Argentine peanut cluster hopes that a good crop helps to leave the obstacles behind.


Image 1: Cummulative planting progress of Crop 2018/2019
















Reference map

Image 2: Reference map















Precipitation analysis

During November, abundant rainfall was recorded throughout all the peanut regions of Argentina, mainly towards the Central area. The first 3 days of December did not feature rains of importance.

Image 3: Accumulated rainfall during November 2018, in the province of Cordoba


















Image 4: Accumulated rainfall from Dec 1st to Dec 3rd, in the province of Cordoba


































Image 5: Emergence of peanut plants in the Southern area











Image 6: Southern area


















Image 7: South-Central area












Image 8: Northern area









Image 9: Eastern area












Image 10: Central area















































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